TemeoTrend SW

weather station, temperature measurement (OUT), barometer, weather forecast, remote sensor: Wireless, clock, calendar, alarm clock, eating: hot TemeoTrend SW
Main characteristics TemeoTrend SW
Type weather station
Temperature measurement (OUT)
Measurement of humidity (IN)
Measurement of humidity (OUT)
Display of air pressure
Remote sensor (wired)
Remote sensor (wireless)
The minimum interval signal transfer 0.75 m
The frequency of the radio channel 433.92 Mhz
The maximum number of sensors 3
Number of sensors complete 1
The radius of the receiving transducer shall 30 m
Functionality TemeoTrend SW
Alarm Clock
Built-in radio
Color backlight
Showing information numbers and symbols
Setting the units of measurement
Weather forecast
Sound indication
Preservation temperature values
Projection image
Lunar calendar
Astrological calendar
Determination of wind speed
Determination of wind direction
The range of temperature -20-60° C
Additionally TemeoTrend SW
USB Interface
Wall Mount
Nutrition standalone
Batteries included
Height 128 mm
The Thickness Of The 15 mm
The Width Of The 69 mm